Food adventures in Hakodate.
Superbly detailed carry bag from Donq bakery, underneath Boni Moriya デパート, near Eki Mae.
Purchased from Donq, chocolate, almond and walnut swirl bun.
Honey and lemon baton.
Lunch set from a Chinese restaurant near the station.
One of many meals from Lucky Pierrot(ラピー), a fast food chain exclusive to Hakodate. Later I will probably dedicate a whole post to it! カレライスとサラダ。
Quick even meal of korroke, mushrooms, rice, snow peas, Japanese mayonnaise, sesame seeds (ゴマ)and a cup of miso.
Milkissimo is a gelato shop inside Goryoukaku Tower. Doesn't quite compare to Messina in Sydney, however both the sakura and black sesame flavours were delicious!
Mochi are Japanese sweets made with glutinous rice flour, usually filled with smooth red bean paste (餡こ)おいしかったよう。I eat them far too often.
Lipton Smart Times Milk Tea (ミルクティー). Study buddy.
The worst/best decision I ever made at the supermarket. Mini profiteroles (チョコシュー)filled with chocolate.
I shamefully finished the entire packet in one sitting. Alone.
Nutty Bar Chocolate. Expensive chocolate meant for presents (おみやげ). Similar to a Crunch bar, but with additional nuts.